Sunday, December 27, 2009

In the Christmas Spirit

This is what happens when you call a godly-dude bald:

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


You have to love it when the free-marketer-right-wing conspiracy theorists provide solid evidence to the law 'Krugman is always right'.

Genes and Sprinting

Another interesting post on the science at the interface of biology, genetics and sport. Apparently, people with a common genetic mutation are bad at sprinting but better distance runners.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Luck Fieberman


Because Lieberman apparently wants more than a hundred thousand people to die so that he can settle an old score. Reid needs to just strip him of his chairmanships and let him rot if he doesn't pick a position and vote with it.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


This is what happens when you have no idea how your devices work:

Update: Speaking of the iPhone, I've spent a year annoyed by the fact that I couldn't get the screen to go horizontal and vertical on command. Then someone explained to me that the phone doesn't change unless it's held perpendicular to the ground. And sure enough, when I hold it straight up and turn it, it flips every time. I'd estimate this has generated a 10 percent improvement in my quality of life.